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Get Your Name Laser Etched On A Satellite!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How Long will my name be in space?
    • For Decades! We'll be launch all of the satellites to around 625 Km (388 Miles) altitude.
  2. Does the satellite have a name?
    • Yes, Eros!
  3. When will the satellite launch?
    • Planned for late 2021.

If you have any questions please email us, Support@CrowdFundedSatellite.com

Our Satellite

24/7 Access of outer space video and imagery. Either looking at the next cosmic events or looking down at earth to find the next big event.

Our mission is to design, build and operate the first ever crowd funded satellite to orbit planet earth. As companies continue to advance and create more affordable launching platforms, like the SpaceX Falcon 9, this enables teams like ours to place satellites into space at lower cost. Our teams background draws from multiple space exploration programs, including sounding rockets, and public sector deep space programs. Our varied experiences will contribute to the success of this project.

Satellites can cost millions of dollars, most of this cost is due to the space operating environment. Constant exposure to high levels of radiation, vacuum, and extreme temperatures makes space an environmental nightmare for electrical hardware. These factors play a major role in computer and sensor malfunctions in space. Knowledge of Space-rated components, and space engineering practices are essential to mission success. Our team has experience mitigating these effects, maximizing the reliability in our system.

This is the first Crowd Funded Project of this type.

Over View (Planned)

The satellite is comprised of 6 main areas.

  1. Aluminum frame to house all components with structural integrity needed to handle launch vibrations.
  2. Power supplies which can be broken down in two areas.
    • Electrical distribution for all system to operate normally
    • Electrical harvesting from solar cells to battery packs rejuvenation
  3. Momentum wheel for vehicle rotation in microgravity
  4. Mission computers for vehicle operational control
  5. Telescopes for video and image capturing
  6. Names of all who will make this project get off the ground by laser etching them in every open space on the satellite

Sensors (Planned)
  1. 18Mb CMOS camera for video with adjustable magnification
  2. 120Mb CMOS camera for still images with adjustable magnification

    • Videos compression with VP9 for higher throughput for available bandwidth
    • Images will be compressed into jpg at 100 quality and 4:4:4 chroma subsampling

Solar Panels (Planned)
  1. Solar panels will be designed to rotate with satellite body to allow easy in maintaining camera targeting and solar capturing angles.
  2. Total system required power will be 1/20 of total solar panel area for high stable battery changing while in direct sun exposure periods

Communication (Planned)
Communication links will be maintained through two antiparallel FPGA based phase array antennas to communicate with GTO satellites or ground stations

Vehical Rotation (Planned)
The vehical will have an intgrated momentum wheel specifically designed to rotate the satellite in different directions to find new and exciting UFO's (unidentified flighting objects).

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